!Best Marathon MA-CFX20 Flight Road Case

### Feature : Marathon MA-CFX20 Flight Road Case : Features: Fits Mackie CFX20 or CFX20MKII Pro Mixer and other mixers of same size

Marathon MA-CFX20 Flight Road Case

Marathon MA-CFX20 Flight Road Case

buy Marathon MA-CFX20 Flight Road Case

@@@ Marathon MA-CFX20 Flight Road Case ?
Marathon MA-CFX20 Heavy duty mixer case for Mackie CFX20 or CFX20MKII Pro Mixer mixing console or other similar mixers. Made from high quality materials with outstanding reliability and all-around protection for your equipment. Specifications: Exterior Dimensions (closed lid ): 29.5" W x 19" D x 7.5... [ More ... Marathon MA-CFX20 Flight Road Case ]

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Marathon MA-CFX20 Flight Road Case