!Today Sale Ortofon Concorde Scratch Twin Pack - 2 x DJ Cartridges each fitted with stylus

### Feature : Ortofon Concorde Scratch Twin Pack - 2 x DJ Cartridges each fitted with stylus : 2 Ortofon Scratch turntable cartridges

Ortofon Concorde Scratch Twin Pack - 2 x DJ Cartridges each fitted with stylus

Ortofon Concorde Scratch Twin Pack - 2 x DJ Cartridges each fitted with stylus

buy Ortofon Concorde Scratch Twin Pack - 2 x DJ Cartridges each fitted with stylus

@@@ Ortofon Concorde Scratch Twin Pack - 2 x DJ Cartridges each fitted with stylus ?
For DJs that require increased tracking ability, the Scratch is up to the task. Featuring a reinforced rubber suspension, DJs need not worry about compromising sound quality and stylus life when working with higher tracking forces. With solid bass reproduction and extended highs, the Scratch is g... [ More ... Ortofon Concorde Scratch Twin Pack - 2 x DJ Cartridges each fitted with stylus ]

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Ortofon Concorde Scratch Twin Pack - 2 x DJ Cartridges each fitted with stylus